"Are you sure this is the right way?"
"Dude, for the last time... yes!" Eleven year old Tommy Green and thirteen year old Geoffrey Allen were walking through the woods behind the neighborhood park. Tommy stayed close behind Geoffrey as they walked deeper into the woods. "Can I have some breathing space?" Tommy kept reaching for Geoffrey's arm. "What was that?" The boys stop and look around. There is nothing, but the sound of birds chirping and crickets. Geoffrey shakes his head and starts again. "If you wanna go home then go! If not then come on before it gets too dark to see!" Geoffrey shouts to Tommy as he hurries ahead. "Wait up Geff!" As the sun sets, Geoffrey leans down to take off the hunting bag and digs out two flashlights. He hands one to Tommy and turns on the other before continuing on. The boys head down a steep hill into a clearing, ducking under the old, flimsy caution tape wrapped around the trees. In front of them was a wide lake. The water sits clear and still. Geoffrey looks at his reflection in the bank. Tommy staggers back taking a deep breath. The air is warm. "Geff... we should go home. You know our moms are gonna be mad we're out so late and..." A breeze kicks up and blows Geoffrey's short black hair in his eyes. "Like I said" he turns around to Tommy "If you're too much of a baby then go back by yourself. I'm doing this." Geoffrey adjusts the backpack and heads for the old dock. Tommy follows close looking back at the woods. The dock squeaks with every step. Geoffrey pulls Tommy over a hole in the dock. "Watch out." The boys approach a small row boat built for two at the end of the dock. The rope holding it down was old and worn. Geoffrey jumps in the boat first. It rocks hard as Geoffrey gains his balance, then unties the rope. "What are you waiting for?" Tommy slowly steps in and sits down immediately. Geoffrey grabs the two paddles in the boat and hands one to Tommy. Taking a deep breath, Geoffrey shines his light in Tommy's face. Tommy shields his eyes. "Here we go. Time to make history Tommy." As the boys take off Tommy looks back at the woods one last time. A little girl in a long dark purple dress stands atop the hill, hugging a stuffed bear with its head barely hanging on by a thread. The bear was full of holes. One of its eyes, replaced by a button. The little girl's face is pale and covered in blood. She walks into the woods and vanishes. "Geff..!" "I swear Tommy! I don't wanna hear it." "But!" "Tommy look!" Behind him, just on the water's edge was a small cabin. There were no lights. The windows were boarded and broken. The walls were sprayed with strange symbols. Two talismans hung on the porch in front of the door. The woods continued on behind the cabin. As the boys approached the bank a fog starts to roll in. "Geff, I don't wanna do this. I wanna go home!" "To late chicken... we're here." Geoffrey stood in amazement at the cabin. "Grab the bag while I pull in the boat." Tommy grabs his flashlight and shines it everywhere as he reaches for the bag. Geoffrey jumps out and pulls the boat ashore by the rope. “GEOFFREY!” Geoffrey jumps at the high pitched scream. He spins around to Tommy sprinting towards him. Tommy face smacks Geoffrey’s chin as they fall together. “Get off!” Geoffrey pushes Tommy over and sits up. “what is wrong with you!” “She was there! She was standing right there!” Geoffrey followed the shaking finger out toward the water. A human shadow figure fades into the fog. Geoffrey squints as he slowly rises, trying to find the source of Tommy's fear. “I don't see anything. You're just bei-” Geoffrey looks back at Tommy, trembling against a tree and hyperventilating. Geoffrey kneels before him and takes hold of his arms. “Tom. Tommy you gotta calm down buddy! It was nothing! There's nothing there.” Geoffrey motions a hand towards the fog. He and Tommy look into the nothingness. “I saw-I saw…” Tommy shakes his head in disbelief. “You thought you saw something. You didn't. It's okay, dude.” Geoffrey stands up and reaches for Tommy. “I saw her! It was her!” Tommy stands with the help of Geoffrey's pale hand. “Come on, let's just get this over with okay?” Geoffrey tries pulling Tommy towards the cabin. “No! I ca-can’t. Please, Geff can we go home.” Tommy jerks Geoffrey towards the boat. His eyes rain down on his face. “I don't wanna see it. I don't want to see her! Please!” “Okay, okay, okay. Okay. I get. I understand now. ” Geoffrey pulls Tommy close and wraps his arms around him. Patting Tommy’s head, Geoffrey’s blue eyes turn into a pitch black pit. His words turn almost into deep growling in Tommy's ears. “I thought you were my friend Tommy.” Tommy's eyes widen over Geoffrey's shoulder. His grip on Geoffrey's sweater tightens. Tommy reluctantly turns his gaze on Geoffrey. “Geff?” “Why don't you want to be my friend?” Geoffrey turns his empty stare on Tommy. A trail of blood runs from his eyes onto his blue sweater. Tommy pulls away. A perfect pool of blood covered the stomach area of Geoffrey's shirt. Tommy's jacket reflected the stain. Breathless, Tommy was frozen.
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Episode 2 An Exchange between Linus and Richard
INT. LINUS’ OFFICE - NIGHT Chairman Richard steps into the office. Linus' heart is plunged deep into the music. Richard paces around. He admires the bear rug in the center of the floor and the medals on the walls. The papers on the desk are neatly stacked. The large window behind the desk illuminates the office with the moon’s light. The flowers in the garden beneath the window dance in the night outside. The bookshelf is full of books on music, art, psychology, war strategies, and manipulation. Richard picks up the book, MIND CONTROL. The music stops. LINUS HAYTER (O.S.) Is there something I can help you with Chairman Richard? CHAIRMAN RICHARD I just stopped by to check on you. Richard returns the book. He drops on the black leather couch against the wall across from Linus. He crosses his legs. CHAIRMAN RICHARD You seemed very... agitated earlier. LINUS HAYTER A unit of our people was killed today. If you cared for someone, you would be agitated to. Linus stares at the picture of his family on the piano. His face is drained from the tears. CHAIRMAN RICHARD Sounds like you think I don't care about our people. Linus wipes his face on his sleeve before heading to his desk. LINUS HAYTER You did nothing to avenge them. CHAIRMAN RICHARD They wouldn't need to be avenged if they were not outside our borders to begin with. Linus leans back in his chair, clearly offended by Richards comment. The fuse now lit yet again. CHAIRMAN RICHARD You have been on a role as of late. Disobeying orders, performing unauthorized scouting missions, and now sending an assault force on the Armada Clan's camp. Richard grins at the shock on Linus' face. CHAIRMAN RICHARD Did you forget who raised you? LINUS HAYTER How? CHAIRMAN RICHARD Not everyone you recruit agrees with your methods. Now, I have been over looking the scouting ops, but I draw the line at sending our people to get massacred. LINUS HAYTER A sacrifice those men were willing to make for the greater good of Arcadia. CHAIRMAN RICHARD Greater good? Richard mocks Linus in disgust. LINUS HAYTER Gathering Intel on our enemies battle strategy, their numbers, the base camp. The next attack will be sure to CHAIRMAN RICHARD There will be no next attack. Richard stands before Linus at his desk. CHAIRMAN RICHARD I have over looked your obsession for far to long. I gave you the position of Viceroy for Hector's sake. I promised your mother that I would keep you close, but that does not mean you are free to do as you please. Linus stands, resting his hands on the desk as he leans in. His arrogance bleeds through his voice, only to fall on deaf ears. LINUS HAYTER I am in this position, because I earned it. CHAIRMAN RICHARD The decision was mine to make. LINUS HAYTER The people voted me in. The council endowed me with the title of Viceroy. The casualty count has dropped tremendously due to my efforts. My so called 'obsession' has made our people feel safer. It has kept the other clans in check. CHAIRMAN RICHARD You were eligible for nomination only through my recommendation. It is through me that you were able to continue living in your mother's home. It is because of me that people listen to you. Do you really believe that so many of my people follow you? I am the Chairman here. I am the leader of these people. I am the one who taught you how to stand on your own two feet after your parents death. You were a disgraceful mess... and without me you will crumble beneath your own fears and hatred. You are nothing but a pathetic little boy who was handed the bronze medal for all your pain and suffering. Not so long as I breath this air, will you ever be first. Linus stands straight, staring down Richard. If only his eyes shot bullets... Richard remains unfazed by Linus' huffing. Turning his back on Linus, Richard slowly makes his way toward the piano, his eyes focused only on the family photo. Richard carries nothing, but confidence in his voice. CHAIRMAN RICHARD Killing these people will not bring your family back. You will only drive yourself into chaos and eventually... Richard picks up the picture and runs his thumb across the beautiful honey blond in the dark blue scrubs. CHAIRMAN RICHARD ...get yourself killed. Episode 1 Linus and Chase Exchange
INT. ARCADI - BUTTERFLY BUILDING - UPPER LEFT WING - BARRACKS HALLWAY - AFTERNOON In the cold steel hallway stands COMMANDER CHASE MAYS, 35, against the wall, watching the other soldiers come and go in his white tank and black cargo pants. He brushes his short blond hair back over his head, while putting a cigarette in his mouth. His muscles pulsing through his shirt. LINUS HAYTER (O.S.) There's no smoking in the halls, Commander. Linus stops short of Commander Chase. Chase removes the cigarette and walks down the hall with Linus beside him speaking quietly, keeping an eye on everyone around them. They speak low. LINUS HAYTER Did you hear back from the scouts we sent? COMMANDER CHASE Yeah. They found some of the body parts of the first unit hung up on trees. LINUS HAYTER What? The Commander stops and waits for the hall to clear. Nodding at passing soldiers. They continue on. COMMANDER CHASE All soldiers were accounted for. Their gear was missing and their hearts were removed... EXT. FOREST - DAY Two trees drip blood as the limbs of five soldiers dangle in the fall breeze. Between the tress, the five heads sit in a circle facing each other on a giant rock just a few feet from the mouth of the waterfall. The blood from the heads paint the rock red. The gentle breeze blows the leaves across the ground. Each face shows the fear and agony the soldiers felt upon their deaths. COMMANDER CHASE (V.O.) (cont'd) Placed in their mouths. INT. ARCADIA - BARRACKS - COMMANDER CHASE’S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Commander Chase holds the door open for Linus who takes a seat in front of the desk and crosses his legs. LINUS HAYTER We didn't catch any of them? Chase sits behind the desk and rests his arms on the table. COMMANDER CHASE We didn't catch them there, but... Linus takes a deep breath and tilts his head to the side as his temper starts to flare. LINUS HAYTER Don't play games with me Mays. COMMANDER CHASE Based on the lack of blood at the site and all the injuries sustained, They were placed near the waterfall for a reason. The confusion on Linus' face shows. LINUS HAYTER And we believe that is what, exactly? COMMANDER CHASE To throw us off. I sent a unit of trackers out. A team of two. LINUS HAYTER They'll need back up, in case... COMMANDER CHASE It's to risky to send out a large task force. Richard made it very clear he doesn't want anyone going out there. He doesn't want a war. Linus scoffs and begins biting his thumb. COMMANDER CHASE (cont'd) Who can blame him being so cautious. Think about it. You kill someone and string 'm up like that, you're trying to send a message... But going out of the way to stage the bodies somewhere else, also sends a message. Linus slowly rises from the chair, grinning. He realizes instantly what it means. His heart races from the satisfaction. LINUS HAYTER We finally have the last of them. |
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